Monday, July 23, 2012

Copper Cliff Reunion- "Vera Wulff"

Yesterday I traveled to the Italian Club in Copper Cliff to take part in the Copper Cliff Reunion. The event that I was attending was a brunch and a play. The play was about women from Sudbury and their experiences during the second world war. The main character, Vera Wulff, was a Copper Cliff resident who served as a cipher for Canada. The play focuses on her stay in Paris during Christmas leave.

 The play was a great success and everyone loved it. Close to 160 people were there! It was very well written and directed by Kelsey Rutledge, a graduate of Thorneloe University (where I am currently studying). She kept the small town atmosphere of Copper Cliff within the play, which made it very true feeling. The actors performed excellently! Brittany McNamara played her role perfectly as a woman working in the mines during that era. When she is informed that INCO no longer requires the assistance of women in the mines, you can tell she is heartbroken. Cassandra Grenier plays a German immigrant in Sudbury, who recalls her first Christmas in Sudbury. It was a touching performance, and reminds everyone of how immigrants were treated in the past.

Joanna McNab plays the part of Vera Wulff, and provides the energetic portion of the show. Her character expresses herself at a thousand miles per second, and informs us that there was another side to the war that doesn't get talked about much. McNab truly impressed the entire audience, including the godchild of the actual Vera Wulff.
 Following the play, there was a terrific brunch that everyone couldn't get enough of. It was a great time and I'm looking forward to more Sudbury history-based entertainment!

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